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A Prayer Book for Australia (APBA) 1995

The copyright in A Prayer Book for Australia is administered by Broughton Publishing, the publishing arm of the Anglican Church of Australia. Broughton Publishing aims to maintain the integrity of the text while promoting the use of the APBA widely. The APBA is available for purchase in printed form as well as electronically through epray:




Parishes of the Anglican Communion and churches of other denominations making copies of all or part of the APBA regularly must purchase an annual copyright licence at $125.00 ex GST payable to Broughton Publishing. This licence does not permit the user to make any part of the APBA available online.



Educational Institutions

Educational institutions copying regularly from APBA for liturgical or worship purposes must purchase an annual copyright licence at $200 ex GST payable to Broughton Publishing. Educational institutions copying for educational purposes may rely on their licence administered by Copyright Agency Limited to copy up to 10% of APBA. Copying beyond the 10% limit requires the annual copyright licence at $200 ex GST from Broughton Publishing.

The copyright licences for churches and educational institutions are renewable each calendar year and payable in advance. On receipt of payment, a licence which sets out the appropriate copyright acknowledgement notice is issued.

One off reproductions made by either educational or church institutions for liturgical or church purposes, may be made free of charge provided they are dated, attentive to the integrity of the text, and provided that copies are not made available for sale or made available online. Copies must be marked From A Prayer Book for Australia [page numbers] Copyright © Broughton Publishing 1995.



All Other Uses

All requests for copyright permissions, including permission for any copies intended for sale, should be directed to Broughton Publishing:

No licences permit the user to make any part of the APBA available online. Should the Church/Diocese wish to disseminate this information amongst its parishes or ministry groups it may do so.



An Australian Prayer Book (AAPB)

Members of the Anglican Communion and churches of other denominations are welcome to make print or electronic copies of An Australian Prayer Book, in whole or in part for liturgical or church purposes, free of charge provided they are attentive to the integrity of the text, that copies are not made available for sale and that the source of the extract is appropriately acknowledged e.g. title and page number.

Educational institutions may make print or electronic copies for educational purposes provided that the educational institution has given a remuneration notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Copyright Act.

All other requests for copyright permission should be directed to Broughton Publishing:

Should the Church/Diocese wish to disseminate this information amongst its parishes or ministry groups it may do so. For further information about prayer book copyright and annual licences please contact: